About Us

Wellcome to N.K Turban & Punjabi Dhol

We are a standout amongst the most rumored firms occupied with serving our customers with all type Dhol Play party from over 10 years. We are known with powerful working, superior and opportune execution of our administrations, we have earned an immense demographic throughout the years. Also, sensible rates are one element that draws us an extensive number of clients. Our administrations can likewise be redone according to the prerequisites of the customers. We have a team of Punjabi dhol players, which performs both traditional as well as western Dhol for our clients depending upon the mood and theme of the occasion. Dhol is a large percussive instrument played using two wooden sticks usually made out of bamboo and cane wood. We play Punjabi Dhol Play, DJ Dhol Play , Panji Dhol Play, Haldi Dhol Play, Cocktail Dhol Play, Ceremony Dhol Play.


Punjabi Dhol Play

We perform the best Punjabi Dhol you've ever heard in your life.

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DJ Dhol Play

Punjabi Dhol is well-known for its DJ performance.

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Panji Dhol Play

Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi

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Turbans from Punjabi Dhol are well tied to make you look your best.

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Sehra is an essential part of the groom's attire. Punjabi Dhol makes Sehra that matches your Attire.

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A sherwani would be incomplete without a Safa. You can contact Punjabi Dhol to make the best-suited Safa for your Sherwani.

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Ashok kumar

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Neha singh

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Ravi kumar

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